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Getting Started


Going from the familiar and safe surroundings of home to the structure of a classroom is a big step for any child - and parent.  However, there are a few things you can do to make the transition a happy one.


Pre-Enrollment Tour

We encourage parents and their children to visit ABC Happy Kids at least once  prior  to  enrollment.  This  gives you and your child an opportunity to  see  the  classrooms  and  observe  the  new  surroundings  together.


Parent Handbook

We have put together a comprehensive Parent Handbook that outlines our services and policies. Our Parent Handbook can be downloaded by clicking here.



Before  your  child  is  enrolled  at  ABC Happy Kids, we will need you to complete  an  enrollment  application, parent  agreement,  medical forms, and other forms required by local and state government.  This enrollment  information  is  important  for  the  safety  of  your  child while  he  or  she  is attending  ABC  Happy Kids.

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